Sir, Please Step Out of Your Comfort Zone…

Why do we play it safe? Why don’t people live life with a bit of surprise and suspense? We have a daily routine that we follow. Get up, brush our teeth, eat breakfest, shower, go to work, get off work, eat dinner, spend some time with family and friends, go to bed then start all over. Why do we except this routine? Why not step out the box and make daily choices that may not be apart of the daily routine. Our comfort zone is something over time that we build through experiences and interaction with different people. Why not continue to expand this zone till you are able to feel comfortable no matter the enviroment you are in. As children you want to talk to everyone ask questions learn new things. As an adult you change to not talking to anyone, only asking questions when necessary, and only learning something new if you are asked too. This cannot be the life we are suppose to live. I say open your minds hearts and souls. Expand your horizon and continue to grow as a person and this will allow you to see the world for the beautiful place it is. 


#TheWiseOwl #FollowMyLead #RndmThghtz

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